May 6, 2009

Mine That Brohm

Like every Kentucky Derby, last Saturday's "Run for the Roses" attracted a who's-who of A-list celebrities; including Michael Jackson, Paris Hilton, MJ, and Kim Kardashian.  The biggest stars at Derby, however, were the NFL quarterbacks - and I'm not talking about attendees Tom Brady and Eli Manning.  I'm talking about the true celebrities, the (QB) Rat (ing) Pack that go by the names Rodgers - Brohm - Flynn (sorry Sammy Davis Jr, only three spots on the roster).  

Yes, you read that right.  Packers QBs Aaron Rodgers, Brian Brohm and Matt Flynn did their best Vince Vaughn/Owen Wilson impression - had "Wedding Crashers" actually stuck to its original title "Derby Crashers".  Unfortunately, the studio had a problem with the rampant Vaughn-on-horse action, and it underwent massive rewrites.  

Per an NFL Network report, Aaron Rodgers chartered a jet from Green Bay to Louisville, where Louisville-native Brian Brohm showed ARod and a handful of teammates how to do things the Kentucky way.  Luckily, I was tipped off Friday afternoon by a bitter, uninvited John Kuhn and got down to Louisville just in time to snap a picture of Aaron in his Derby attire. 

(called "Around the League")

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