February 20, 2009

Inside Ted's Head

This week: Necessary AND Sufficient

As any Packers fan knows (other than these guys, of course), AJ Hawk is a mediocre-to-decent NFL linebacker. He's serviceable. He certainly hasn't played like a #5 overall pick. But don't tell TT that. Here's what he had to say about Hawk (from the JS Online Packer blog):

You think he's still a Pro Bowl-caliber player?

Yeah, I do. I think he’s a very talented player. He can still run. He can still tackle. He’s a very good football player. He’s an active, energetic football player.

I knew running and tackling were necessary conditions for Pro Bowl LB's, but I had no idea they were sufficient. Remember how you used to get participation trophies in youth soccer just for showing up (I know I do; I keep a bookcase full of them right next to my Dundies)? Maybe that's how Ted sees the Pro Bowl- "Hey, you showed up! You can run and tackle. Pro Bowl! Now get out of my way so I can use another high draft pick on a quarterback."

1 comment:

  1. Ryan Howard/AJ Hawk: [In response to Michael/TT giving him the Dundie award for "Sexiest in the Office/Franchise"]

    What am I going to do with the award? Nothing. I - I don't know what I'm going to do. That's the least of my concerns right now.
